Lean Duplex Stainless Steel for Urban and Industrial Waste Water
Start: 01/09/2017
Duration: 40 months
Coordinator: French Corrosion Institute
Participants: Aperam, Veolia, Outokumpu, ISMAR, ENDURES, KU Leuven
Budget: 1 483 673.55 €
EU contribution: 890 204.13 €

The DuplexWASTE project, coordinated by Institut de la Corrosion, focused on investigating corrosion properties and limits of use of (lean) duplex stainless steel in the wastewater treatment field. It was then needed to characterize the corrosiveness of investigated units. Corrosion data on application of duplex stainless steel in wastewater treatment units were generated with both field and laboratory exposures. This included the corrosion resistance of duplex stainless steel to halogens (chloride, …) and chemicals added for oxidation, flocculation and disinfection and formed by- and end-products including gaseous products present in surrounding atmosphere (e.g. H2S). Special attention was paid to microbial induced corrosion risks (MIC).The experimental program was built in regards with the literature survey and the experience of the partners. This effort resulted in engineering diagram for proper material selection of duplex stainless steel for wastewater application that should largely increase the use of these materials.