Quality, Security, Environment


The French Corrosion Institute is certified ISO 9001 on its site of Saint-Etienne since 2001.

The French Corrosion Institute is certified ISO 9001 on its site of Brest since May, 14th 2013 for the following perimeter:

Tests, expertises/advices, research and development advice in the field of corrosion and the protection against corrosion (excluding, since 2017, sales activities of sensors and training).

Otherwise, the Institute is accredited by the automotive industry for accelerated corrosion tests for instance Renault ECC1 D17 2028.

We have engineers and technicians services with specialised skills like: AFNOR, 1 certified enginee at level 2 and 2 certified engineers at level 3.


We are concerned by the staff working conditions and we guarantee the highest level of security and comfort in laboratories like in offices.

Saint Etienne site is certified OHSAS 18001 since May, 2013


The Institute of Corrosion is concerned with the preservation of the environment.
The environmental management system of the Saint-Etienne site is operational with an effective ISO 14001 certification since January 2011.